DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

Hitchcock as Auteur


Based on the readings distributed in class and the viewings of Strangers on a Train and Psycho as well as the interview segment with Hitch, address the following:


Alfred Hitchcock should/shouldn't be considered an auteur.


In your 2-3 page paper, please include a clear definition of auteur theory, cite specific elements of the two films viewed as well as specific passages from the readings.  Be sure to cite each film and reading.  Use proper MLA formatting, including a works cited page.


Refer to the Viewing Reaction Rubric to check your work before handing it in. The assignment will receive two grades: one based on this viewing reaction rubric and the other using the school's Standard MLA Rubric.


To ensure that your paper meets standard, please review the MLA Reaction Format. 


Post completed papers on your "Film" page.  Also, upload them as Word documents.


Due Wednesday, October 24, 2007.

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.