DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

Grade 9 Art Theory Syllabus of Study

Fall 2013/2014

Mr. Jason Robert LeClair   jleclair@beaconart.org (401) 671-6261 x414         Syllabus of Study

Office Hours by appointment

Course Description:             Grade 9 Art History student artists will discover in the first quarter the art of the ancient world up through the art of medieval Western Europe. By completing projects, tests, class discussions, and sections of the text Discovering Art History by Davis Publications Inc., student artists will achieve a better understanding of art throughout time. The origins; when and where people started to create artwork, is crucial to every visual artist as he/she prepares for a life of art-making


Course Goal: Students will increase their understanding of art as theory and practice by studying and analyzing art from prehistoric tribal art through to the contemporary.

VAD2 (9-12) –1 Students demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the role of Visual Art and Design in personal, cultural, and historical contexts


Essential Skills:       Students will learn to comment on artworks by:


  1. Writing essays that show the student’s ability to analyze art.

VAD2 (9-12) - 1 c. analyzing different cultures’ expectations and appreciationof the role of the artists in society

  1. Defining and discussing art terminology by viewing masterworks, instructor lecture and Socratic method.

VAD2 (9-12) -1 a. evaluating several uniquepurposes for making visual art and design (e.g., telling a story; communicating ideas, personal beliefs, and emotions; creating functional objects; making political and social commentary)

  1. Creating modern examples of differing art methods.

VAD2 (9-12) - 1 e. interpreting and evaluating specific qualities about the visual arts and design in two cultures and time periods

  1. Gaining an understanding of what the principles of aesthetic are and how they are applied to art making

VAD2 (9-12) - 1 b. Analyzing the connections between Visual Arts and Design and other disciplines (e.g. ceramics and chemistry, sculpture and physics, designing and engineering)


Texts required:         Discovering Art History by Davis Publishing Inc. (school provided)

                                    Handouts from the instructor


Materials Required:             Sketchbook (at least 8” x 10”)

1.5” (or larger) binder

                                                Pencils, pens, highlighter

                                                White copy paper (three hole punched)


Beacon’s standard grading weights are:


                        45%     Projects / Papers/Tests

                        35%     In-Class work/Participation and Attendance

                        20%     Homework


Assessment:   Projects

                                    See class schedule


In-Class grading is defined by activities done in class such as short lesson worksheets.


Observational journals are collected every Thursday.


In class tests on definitions learned the previous week These tests will occur every Tuesday.


In order for an artist to succeed in an educational and thriving environment at Beacon Charter, one must be fully engaged and present in all of the learning activities that occur in the classroom.  Attendance in all classes is mandatory and habitual absence from class may result in a meeting with The Artistic Director.  Each arts faculty member will be evaluating student attendance in a proper manner related to their art.   


Participation is daily work ethic and effort. Students are expected to work in class for the entire period. An average of these daily grades will be calculated based on the following format – 0 = non participatory, 50 = minimal effort, 100 = full effort, Exempt = excused absence (see student handbook for definition).


Late Work Policy:     No late work will be excepted without special arrangements made with the instructor and Mrs. Murphy. Any work handed in late will have 10 points removed per class day late. Work may only be handed in at the beginning of the class period on the due date unless otherwise allowed by the instructor. Work handed in after the collection period will be considered late and the above perimeters apply.


Course Requirements:       

  • Student Artists are expected and required to read all materials in the manner described within the class schedule.
  • Student Artists will respect the space, fellow student artists and themselves as described in the student handbook.
  • Student Artists will work on art at all times within the arts classroom.


Class Schedule:

Project 1 –       Visual Language and aesthetics           Due December 13, 2013

                        Project 2 –       Altered Objects                                   Due January 10, 2014

                        Project 3 -       Social Media Sticker                           Due January 17, 2014


                        Journals collected every Thursday


A digital copy of the syllabus as well as project guidelines and rubrics is available at:













_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ As a homework grade - return this portion by November 6, 2013_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


I understand and agree to the above syllabus of study for Art History 9



­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­__________________________________________________________                _______________

student name (printed)                                                                                                           date





student signature



_________________________________________________________                  ________________

parent/guardian signature                                                                                                        date


Use of Electronic Information Resources
Technology is a vehicle to access the most current and extensive sources of information which will prepare students for 21st Century careers. As such, school Internet access is a privilege for educational purposes only and will be revoked if any of the following conditions occur:

Students will not access or create offensive, profane, or pornographic files, plagiarize works or violate copyrights or trademarks, damage, alter, or modify hardware or software or attempt to bypass computer security, nor will they engage in behaviors that constitute cyber bullying.

I am aware of this electronic use policy and I will exercise sound judgment when using classroom technology and accessing the Internet. Furthermore, I understand that intentional misuse of technology/Internet access will result in disciplinary action against me.



Student Name (Print)




Student Signature



DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.