DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

Beacon Charter High School for the Arts

Spring, 2014


Course Syllabus


Theatre Acting VI:  Scene Study: Contemporary Theatre


Instructor:  Jason Robert LeClair

Jason Robert LeClair is an Honors graduate of the Massachusetts College of Art and Design with a Bachelors of Fine Arts in Media and Performing Arts. He has ben teaching the art of theatre in all aspects since 1999. Working in professional theatres as technical director, community theatres as artistic director and consultant, as well as high schools across the state, he has earned a solid local reputation for excellence. President of the Rhode Island Theatre Education Association and Associate member of International Thespians, Mr. LeClair continues to work in the realm of arts education encouraging the collaborative nature of the theatrical arts.


Contact Info:  jleclair@beaconart.org


Office Hours: By appointment


“An actor is totally vulnerable. His total personality is exposed to critical judgment - his intellect, his bearing, his diction, his whole appearance. In short, his ego.”                                                                                                                 - Sir Alec Guinness



Course Description:   This course is designed for the advanced theatre students that serves as a bridge from the classroom to the stage through an exploration of the sculpting and performing of characters from contemporary dramatic literature while deepening their understanding of their own method and approach to the art of acting.


Course Goal:  Students will study dramatic literature written from 1990-2014 with an emphasis on script analysis and how to sculpt a character from textual clues and the techniques needed for the honest and skillful playing of a character. 


Essential Skills:

1.)   Students will develop skills in effective script analysis.

GSEs for Gr. 9-12: Theatre:  T1 (9-12) -1c Students will show skill development in acting, directing, and scriptwriting by showing text analysis and research to include the physical, social, and psychological dimensions of the characters. 


2.)   Students will learn how to fine-tune the vocal skills needed to perform sculpted, honest characters within contemporary dramatic literature.


3.)   Students will learn how to fine-tune the physical skills needed to perform sculpted and honest characters within contemporary dramatic literature.

GSEs for Gr. 9-12: Theatre:  T1 (9-12) -1c Students will show skill development in acting, directing, and scriptwriting by developing a character as part of an ensemble using vocal characteristics and techniques, posture, movement, and language necessary to perform an effective characterization.


4.)    Students will develop a deeper understanding of their own method and approach to the art of acting.

GSEs for Gr. 9-12: Theatre:  T4 (9-12) -1b Students reflect upon, analyze and evaluate the work of self and others by evaluating character’s objectives and motivations based on what is seen, heard, and known to explain character’s behavior.


  5.)  Students will research and explore the role of Theatre within today’s society.

GSEs for Gr. 9-12: Theatre T2 (9-12)-1e Students demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the role of Theater Arts in personal, cultural, and historical context by

analyzing different culture’s expectations and appreciation of the role of the artists in society


GSEs for Gr. 9-12: Theatre:  T4 (9-12) -1b Students reflect upon, analyze and evaluate the work of self and others by evaluating a play or performances based on analysis of what is seen, heard, and known to judge its value and contribution to humanity


Grading System:

Per Beacon Charter High School for the Arts Faculty Agreement, all courses utilize the following formula to calculate the final course grade:


45% Major Assignments (projects, papers, performances, power-points)

35% In Class Work (quizzes, journals, discussions, participation in rehearsals)

20% Homework


Needed by Student: binder with loose leaf paper or notebook, pen, AGENDA, professional attitude and willingness to work hard, respect for self, fellow actors, instructor and theatre space.




Dramatic Structure and analysis

Character analysis from textual clues

Creating a Character

The role of theatre within society today


ASSESSMENTS:  Students will be required to:


1.)   one structured characterization

            a.) written character monologue

      b.) written character analysis

      c.) performance of structured characterization


2.)   Guest Artist Unit – Kevin Broccoli

a.)    Discussion with guest artist

b.)    written script analysis

c.)    written character analysis

d.)    performance of one scene


3.)    Actor’s Journal

a.)   one entry weekly

b.)   checked by instructor every Thursday


4.)     MLA paper:  My Personal Approach to Acting


5.)    Play: TBA

a.)    QUIZ

b.)    written script analysis

c.)    written character analysis

d.)    performance of one scene


6.)   MLA paper:  Character analysis and personal performance critique






Syllabus Agreement Sheet


I have read and understand the syllabus for Theatre VI: Scene Study: Contemporary Theatre.


_____________________________________                ___________

Student Name (printed)                                                                                  Date




             Student Signature


__________________________________________________                    _______________

             Parent/Guardian Signature                                                                             Date



             Parent/Guardian e-mail address



Please return to Mr. LeClair by Thursday, January 30, 2014


PLEASE NOTE:  This will count as a homework grade for January 30.


Use of Electronic Information Resources
Technology is a vehicle to access the most current and extensive sources of information which will prepare students for 21st Century careers. As such, school Internet access is a privilege for educational purposes only and will be revoked if any of the following conditions occur:

Students will not access or create offensive, profane, or pornographic files, plagiarize works or violate copyrights or trademarks, damage, alter, or modify hardware or software or attempt to bypass computer security, nor will they engage in behaviors that constitute cyber bullying.

I am aware of this electronic use policy and I will exercise sound judgment when using classroom technology and accessing the Internet. Furthermore, I understand that intentional misuse of technology/Internet access will result in disciplinary action against me.



Student Name (Print)




Student Signature

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.