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Guess Who I Am-Colin.pptx


For microsoft Office I got together with one of my classmates who I did not know well and interviewed him. He did the same with me. After interviewing him I made a power point using Microsoft Office PowerPoint, with all the questions I asked and the answers my partner gave me. I also added pictures that describe my parnters answers, using Google images. Because i have not had alot of experience with Microsoft Office, I repeated alot of my mistakes, which wasted some of my computer time. Now that I have have had some more practice, in the furture I will hopefully remember my mistakes and not make them again.

        On my powerpoint, the "Guess Who I Am" project, I recieved a 82%. This is not a bad grade, but i expected to do better. I was thinking that i would get somewhere in the 90's, and maybe high 80's, so it was a little shocking when i recived my 82. Based on my teachers assesments and comments, i would deffinetly do some things differentyl. I would have looked at my audience more when I presented, and also would have shortened my information on my goals slides, because i had alot of info. My teachers comments, deffinetly helped me for future presentations, because now that i know what I did wrong, I will do it right the next time!

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Guess Who I Am-Colin.pptx


For microsoft Office I got together with one of my classmates who I did not know well and interviewed him. He did the same with me. After interviewing him I made a power point using Microsoft Office PowerPoint, with all the questions I asked and the answers my partner gave me. I also added pictures that describe my parnters answers, using Google images. Because i have not had alot of experience with Microsoft Office, I repeated alot of my mistakes, which wasted some of my computer time. Now that I have have had some more practice, in the furture I will hopefully remember my mistakes and not make them again.

        On my powerpoint, the "Guess Who I Am" project, I recieved a 82%. This is not a bad grade, but i expected to do better. I was thinking that i would get somewhere in the 90's, and maybe high 80's, so it was a little shocking when i recived my 82. Based on my teachers assesments and comments, i would deffinetly do some things differentyl. I would have looked at my audience more when I presented, and also would have shortened my information on my goals slides, because i had alot of info. My teachers comments, deffinetly helped me for future presentations, because now that i know what I did wrong, I will do it right the next time!

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User-uploaded Content

Guess Who I Am-Colin.pptx


For microsoft Office I got together with one of my classmates who I did not know well and interviewed him. He did the same with me. After interviewing him I made a power point using Microsoft Office PowerPoint, with all the questions I asked and the answers my partner gave me. I also added pictures that describe my parnters answers, using Google images. Because i have not had alot of experience with Microsoft Office, I repeated alot of my mistakes, which wasted some of my computer time. Now that I have have had some more practice, in the furture I will hopefully remember my mistakes and not make them again.

        On my powerpoint, the "Guess Who I Am" project, I recieved a 82%. This is not a bad grade, but i expected to do better. I was thinking that i would get somewhere in the 90's, and maybe high 80's, so it was a little shocking when i recived my 82. Based on my teachers assesments and comments, i would deffinetly do some things differentyl. I would have looked at my audience more when I presented, and also would have shortened my information on my goals slides, because i had alot of info. My teachers comments, deffinetly helped me for future presentations, because now that i know what I did wrong, I will do it right the next time!

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